Add a load simple action to the on activate event 将load简单操作加入到on activate事件。
Represents the method that will handle the activated event of dialog box 表示将处理对话框的activated事件的方法。
The activate event handler may also return a value , which is treated identically to a return value of an action request event trigger 激活事件处理器也可以返回一个值,它与动作请求的事件触发器返回的值是一样的。
The later case , validation , is generally concerned with user identity and access ; if you have pages that may only be accessed by certain users , you may use the page ' s activate event handler responsible for verifying that access 稍后的情形里,验证,通常涉及到用户标识和访问;如果你的页面仅允许特定的用户访问,你就可以用页面的激活事件管理器来负责这个访问的校验。
Although activating events often seem to directly cause or contribute to emotional consequences , ellis argues that people largely bring their beliefs to situations , and subjectively interpret or perceive events in light of their beliefs and expectations 虽然引发事件很多时彷佛是导致情绪的直接主因,但艾里斯却提出个体往往带著自己的信念及期望,对事物作出主观的理解及分析。