
activating events中文什么意思

发音:   用"activating events"造句
  • 诱发性事件
  • activate:    vt. 1.使活动,开动,起动,触发;创设,成立(机构等 ...
  • event:    n. 1.事件;事情;事变;大事。 2.偶然事件,可能发 ...
  • activating:    活化的; 激活; 使活动
  • events:    大事记; 华夏活动; 日程事项; 时事报; 事件,事故; 事件窗口; 伊文茨
  • activating acceleator:    助促进剂
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  1. Add a load simple action to the on activate event
    将load简单操作加入到on activate事件。
  2. Represents the method that will handle the activated event of dialog box
  3. The activate event handler may also return a value , which is treated identically to a return value of an action request event trigger
  4. The later case , validation , is generally concerned with user identity and access ; if you have pages that may only be accessed by certain users , you may use the page ' s activate event handler responsible for verifying that access
  5. Although activating events often seem to directly cause or contribute to emotional consequences , ellis argues that people largely bring their beliefs to situations , and subjectively interpret or perceive events in light of their beliefs and expectations



  1. activating effect 什么意思
  2. activating element 什么意思
  3. activating energy 什么意思
  4. activating enzyme 什么意思
  5. activating enzymes 什么意思
  6. activating factor 什么意思
  7. activating force 什么意思
  8. activating gene 什么意思
  9. activating group 什么意思
  10. activating isotope 什么意思


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